Thursday, July 2, 2020

April Fools Day - Whos Fooling Who

April Fools Day - Whos Fooling Who On April Fools Day anyone could be planning to fool you but whenit comes to your job search who is fooling who?Is it possible that you are fully responsible for fooling yourself? You have just won $1,000! Not really, April Fools! Just wanted to get this out of the way in the name of tradition on aday filled with good hearted pranksand a hearty laugh when theeffort toget others to believe in falsehoods is a success. One day of being fooledwill not likely have a dramatic impact on your future but thefollowingfalsehoods are key points that could seriously impairyour job search and youcould be fooling yourself: if you believe an HRprofessional or recruiter is going toread your entire resume.The average time spent perusing a resume is less than 30 seconds. With this in mind, do you think you should submit a 4 or 5 page resume? if you are expecting to land a job solely by submitting your resume through onlinejob boards.Online job boardsrepresent a small percentage ofavailable jobs and a success rate as low as3%. if you are sitting at home by the phone thinking therecruiters are goingto call you back.Recruiters work to fill available positions and they do not assume the responsibility of finding anyone a job. if you haveallocated three to six monthsto successfully obtain a job.It is more likely to take twelve months to secure an executive position. An old rule of thumb is to assume one month per each $10,000 in salary. if you believe social media is not for you and you have decided against establishing a Linkedin profile. Most studies show up to 80% of recruiters and HR professionals are usingLinkedin to find andverifypotential candidates. ifyouare not actively networking with EVERYONE; friends, colleagues, relatives, professionals and attendingsocial events and professional networking events.The most successful job search tool availableis networking,surpassing all other job search strategies COMBINED. if you accept a job offerand choose not to maintain yournetwork becauseyou dont need them anymore. Networking is all about reciprocation so be prepared to give back especially if youare not planning to retire in the next five years, which is theaverage jobtenure. Finally,you are fooling yourself if you send a resume outand expect to be contactedif you have not included any contact details! Unless of course it is April Fools Day and you have intentionallysubmitted a cleverly drafted resumethat profilesaperfect candidate for a high profile position to a recruiter who has been trying tofill it. Be sure to include your contact details when you send your resume to Elite Resumesfor a free resume critique and receive a phone call from Martin Buckland,Certified Professional Resume Writer. Enjoythis April Fools Day and be sure to check out thefollowing professional job searchadvice from the Career Collective! 10 Ways to Tell if Your Job Search is a Joke,@careerealism If Its Not You and Its Not True, Youre Fooling Yourself, @GayleHoward Dont Kid Yourself! (The Person You See in the Mirror is a Good Hire), @chandlee Avoiding the Most Common Blunder, @jobhuntorg Are you fooling yourself? Bored at work? Is it your own fault?, @keppie_careers Hey, Job Seeker Dont Be a Fool!, @resumeservice Job Search Is No Joking Matter, @careersherpa Is Your #Career in Recovery or Retreat? (All Joking Aside), @KCCareerCoach 9 Ways You Might Be Fooling Yourself About Your Job Search, @heatherhuhman Dont get tricked by these 3 job search blunders, @LaurieBerenson Trying to hard to be nobodys fool?, @WorkWithIllness Its not all about you, @DawnBugni Mirror their needs, not your wants in #jobsearch, @ValueIntoWords Stop Fooling Yourself about your Job Hunt: Things you may be doing to sabotage yourself,@erinkennedycprw Same as it ever was,@walterakana Dont be fooled. Avoid these,@kat_hansen Job Seekers: You Are Fooling Yourself If,@barbarasafani

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