Monday, December 30, 2019

Top Ten Practices to Improve your Job Response

Top Ten Practices to Improve your Job ResponseTop Ten Practices to Improve your Job ResponseTop Ten Practices to Improve your Job Response Recruiting Training CornerIn todays competitive recruiting market, your company needs access to quality resumes to recruit the right talent for the right job at the right time.Yet todays complex world allowsjob seekers to access information about your company from a wide variety of sources, such as your career site, job boards and social media platforms.The result can mean more applies but not necessarily from the right candidates. It also makes it difficult to track the sources that are driving the best return on your recruiting investment.The good news is that these challenges are relatively simple to overcome.The best practices below will help you attract the right candidates, reduce drop-off through the apply process and enable you to authenticate the fruchtwein effective recruiting sources.1.Implement auto-source tagging. You can reduce the chances of collecting questionable candidate source data by adding an auto-source tag to the end of your job posting URL. Studies have shown that when provided with a list of job sources, only one out of six seekers will correctly self-identify the correct source. This inaccuracy of your source reporting can negatively impact your bottom line.Speak with your ATS provider about implementing auto-source tagging to eliminate the need for seekers to self-identify. Accurate sourcing of job response data is critical to improving candidate flow, enabling you to invest in the right sources to find the talent you need.2.Optimize your job title. Improve your job response by making sure job seekers can find your jobs. Seekers tend to use very simple and common search strings and keywords. Use specific and common titles with two or three descriptive keywords. You dont have to be an expert to optimize your job title. Do your research using free keyword research tools on the Web like the Google A dWords Keyword Planner.3.Create a compelling and engaging job description. Now that theyve viewed your job, help seekers understand WHY they want to work for you.Seekers have more choices today. Unemployment is inching down and more jobs are being created. Differentiate why your company and your position are BETTER than the next job in their search results.4.Include a call to action. Dont expect seekers to apply based on your job description alone create a sense of urgency. Use language that motivates the seeker to apply.5.Redirect seekers directly to the requisition in your ATS. Nothing is more frustrating than clicking on the apply button, only to have to start your search all over again. Reduce candidate drop-off by redirecting candidates directly to the requisition as opposed to your main career or job search page. Eliminate extra steps.6.Dont make seekers create a log-in before they can apply. Yes, you likely want the seekers email address early in the process, but once you ha ve it, what do you do with it?Unless you are actively communicating with these seekers through a CRM, move the creation of a log-in to the end of the apply process. Make it easy for seekers to check on the position of their application enable them to create job agents for future opportunities.7.Evaluate your apply process. How many clicks does it take to complete your apply process from start to finish? How many questions must the applicant answer? If your process is long and cumbersome, the drop-off percentage will increase, including candidates who are the most qualified.Good talent is likely already employed, so if you make it difficult to apply, they will likely not complete the process.8.Eliminate barriers offer alternatives to apply. As you evaluate your apply flow, review the information that you are asking seekers to supply.Are you aware of the type of information you can legally ask candidates to provide? Beyond using a legal hiring process, many job seekers unwilling to s hare information early on in the process and will instead opt out. If information-gathering is a requirement for your job, be sure to explain why and give seekers the option to learn more.Some seekers want to learn more about a company before they apply. Or they may not meet your current job requirements. Dont lose out on these potential candidates. Provide them the opportunity to create a saved search or engage with you through a talent community, on your Facebook page or Twitter feed. Cultivating a talent pipeline should be parte of your ongoing recruitment strategy.9.Make sure your career site is mobile friendly. According to Pew Internet, 56% of American adults have a smartphone. A recent Glassdoor survey indicates 68% of job seekers use their mobile device to search for jobs once a week or more.Job seekers expect mobile optimization and are likely to leave your site if its cumbersome and time-consuming to load content. Invest in technology that will take your recruiting efforts to the next level and make it easier for seekers to engage with you, regardless of how they find you.10.Compare yourself against your competitors. Be aware of what your competitors are doing to recruit talent. Look at their career site, job listings, Facebook and Twitter pages and go through their apply process. From a seekers perspective, is it better or worse than yours?If you think of seekers as consumers of work, be sure your employee value proposition is clear, concise, and compelling. Make it easy for seekers to engage with you.While technology has created efficiencies in the hiring process, it also encourages high candidate drop-off and often provides imprecise source data. Be proactive in prioritizing and implementing these best practices.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

4 Reasons You Have Not Received Feedback After an Interview

4 Reasons You Have Not Received Feedback After an Interview4 Reasons You Have Not Received Feedback After an InterviewIts been two weeks since that interview you nailed. Youve bitten your nails down to nothing with anxiety that only escalates with each phone call-less day. Its possible youve sent a follow-up email at this point. Now, you are additionally worried that you might have sounded desperate for doing that.You start thinking, I had it in the bag but then I sent that e-mail and now Ive ruined my chancesWell, whats really taking them so long to get back to you?badeanstalt news doesnt always travel fastThe saying goes, Bad news travels fast. In the hiring process, the opposite is generally true. If a kollektiv and its hiring manager both decide that they want you on their team, feedback after an interview is provided almost immediately to the recruiter. Usually, with a few exceptions, the recruiter wont sit on the decision for too long.Good news tends to travel faster than bad n ews in the world of talent acquisitionIf you havent heard back, the hard pill to swallow is Theres a good chance theyre going with another candidate and loathe the fact that they must deliver this bad news. Unfortunately, their lack of enthusiasm to crush your career dreams could prolong the feedback after an interview. These are all generalizations and there are several exceptions.Dont lose hope just yetHere are four reasons to restore your hopes and explain why you might not be receiving feedback after an interview1. Theres been a hold on the position.A candidate never sees what goes on in the background. Its typically not as simple as deciding, We need another person to help this team. Lets hire someone. DoneThere is a league of processes that go into opening and posting a job. Companies are usually given a headcount they cant exceed. Usually, theyre given restrictions on overhead costs.Sometimes a job is open and being sourced for, but then management decides to restructure, rep rioritize, or reallocate resources. This can altogether eliminate a job you were vying for, or perhaps put a hold on it.2. The team needs more time.On a less technical side, things couldve gotten really busy for the team you were hoping to join and they simply need to hold off on filling the role until things slow back down.The implication of hiring someone is that theyll need the time and flexibility to onboard and train the new hire. If theyre busy, they might collectively decide to press pause.While its not common some have waited months before being hired3. Youre swimming in a very competitive pool.A good problem for a recruiter to have is having too many great candidates While the hiring manager might be enthused by the prospects, this can also make a final decision harder for the team.Sometimes theyre split between two candidates and cant seem to tip the scales convincingly enough.If they dont feel the pressure to immediately backfill a position, they could be taking their tim e to really review and re-review the candidates resume, portfolio, and interview notes.4. The hiring manager just cant get enough.Every now and then, a candidate will fare well in their interview process and pass with flying colors. But for whatever reason, some hiring managers dont always want to immediately pull the trigger. They tell the recruiter something like, We liked him/her, but lets try to get a few more.While this can be frustrating for both the candidate and the recruiter, it can help the team affirm their initial impressions of you and they may come back with an offer.Unfortunately, it could also mean that they do find someone else they determine to be a better fit.Good news travels relatively fasterWhile good news generally travels faster in the hiring process, this isnt always the case. Its important to consider that a fast response time will mean different things for different companies and recruiters.Some companies might consistently get offers out within a few days while others will typically take one to two weeks to provide feedback after an interview. For a candidate dangling in suspense, one day alone could feel like an eternity, but it shouldnt be a cause for despair.If its been a week or two, theres nothing wrong with sending a follow-up email requesting an update. If youre not hearing back, it doesnt always mean its because its bad news, and an update could help ease some of that anxiety. For more reasons, check out these 7 possible reasons you did not receive interview feedback.Bad news isnt always bad newsIf it turns out that you eventually get some bad news, find solace knowing that theres something else out there for you. It can seem like the end of the world, but just remind yourself that its notThere are other opportunities out there for you that will take you where youre truly meant to be This is good news The journey to shaping your career is one requiring patience and effort. Be resilient and move on to the next opportunity.Alw ays respond gracefully, because a no today can be a yes later. Those are the bridges you do not want to burn Learn how to ask for feedback after a rejection.

Friday, December 20, 2019

Human Rights and Engineering Meet

Human Rights and Engineering Meet Human Rights and Engineering Meet Many experts will tell you that one of the keys to happiness is having a job that matters and that you enjoy doing. One thing you learn right away in talking to menschenwrdig rights lawyer Jessica Wyndham, associate director of the Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights, and Law Program at the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), is that she very much enjoys what she does for a living. Another thing you learn very quickly is that it matters. A great deal.Im loving what Im doing, she says. But this is the tip of the iceberg We need to bring more engineers onboard. With the AAAS for nearly five years now, Wyndhams work has centered on the intersection of human rights and science, which in many cases means engineering. The connection may not be immediately apparent to many of us who spend our days in laboratories, factories, or office buildings. But when soil and water is contaminated by an indu strial accident in an undeveloped region of the world, who collects the evidence? Who advises the local population how to do it correctly? When a mass grave is discovered following a civil war, how are the remains identified? Who performs the identification and verifies results?Jessica Wyndham.Real World OutcomesThe answer to these questions is dedicated scientists and engineers, many of whom are part of the four programs that form the core of Wyndhams work with the AAAS. The first, the Science and Human Rights Coalition, is a network of scientific associations, currently numbering 46, who recognize a role for engineers in human rights. The second is On-Call Scientists. We joke its like an online dating system, says Wyndham of the volunteer network of over 700 engineers and scientists who give their time to various human rights projects. The third, Applying Geospatial Technologies to Human Rights first emerged when documenting the destruction of villages in Darfur, and revolves arou nd the use of satellite imagery to determine the extent of damage, displacement, and other factors. Her fourth project is conducting a series of focus groups titled The Right to Enjoy the Benefits of Scientific Progress and is based on the universell Declaration of Human Rights drafted by Eleanor Roosevelt and adopted by the United Nations in 1948.Satellite images of villages in Darfur and forensic evidence obtained in Latin America were each used for projects by the AAAS.Hearing her describe how the work of the Scientific Responsibility, Human Rights, and Law Program translates into real world outcomes by empowering local populations is when the goose bumps start, however. Where our program initially did that was in bringing forensic sciences to human rights issues, particularly in Latin America following civil wars, where there were mass graves and no ability to identify whether the disappeared were in fact killed and in those mass graves, what was the cause of death, and who migh t have been responsible.Through a kollektiv of forensic anthropologists in the U.S. who went first to Argentina then to Guatemala, they trained local forensic anthropologists to identify human remains, she says. There was one particular case of a twenty one year-old bank clerk. They were able to identify that she was pregnant when kidnapped and she had given birth before she was killed. So that raises obviously the question of What happened to that child?Questions like this can cause sleepless nights, but Wyndham is tireless in her dedication. What Ive valued is the breadth of opportunities I have to learn about different sciences and fields of engineering and to think creatively about the ways they can become involved in human rights work.Doing SomethingGetting involved at the intersection of science and human rights is not difficult. On-Call Scientists truly is as easy to join as a social website, and the Science and Human Rights Coalition operates out of Washington, DC, and is op en to individuals and organizations alike. Meanwhile, it is clear that Wyndham feels academia has a special role to play in the everyday work of educating the next generation of engineers as well. Professors of engineering can think, and I would say should be thinking, about how they can integrate human rights into their engineering curriculum, she says.As the role of engineers in society continues to be redefined in the 21st century, it seems clear that there will be increasing opportunities for engineers in the field of human rights. Traditionaltools arent vanishing, but they are no longer utilized exclusively in a shop or a laboratory. They can be taken anywhere an engineer feels he or she can make a difference.What Ive valued is the breadth of opportunities I have to learn about different sciences and fields of engineering and to think creatively about the ways they can become involved in human rights.Jessica Wyndham, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

Monday, December 16, 2019

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

30+ Companies Hiring Like Crazy in June

30+ Companies Hiring Like Crazy in June30+ Companies Hiring Like Crazy in June Think recruiters are on vacation and hiring has slowed? Think againThis summer, the job market is booming and recruiters are poaching top talentevery day. Theres never been a better time to be a skilledindividual with experience, education, and determination. Whether youve been actively searching or simply browsing job alerts that come your way, now is the time to apply. And to make it easier, here are over 30 companies hiring like crazy this month.UnitedHealth Group Open Roles Event absatzwirtschaft Manager, National Accounts Specialty abverkauf VP, Nurse Practitioner, Digital Marketing Manager, Senior Agile Project Manager, Licensed EAP Counselor, lokal Vice President Operations, Managing Consultant, Data Analyst, Practice Performance Specialist, Business ordnungsprinzip Analyst & more. Where Hiring Falls Church, VA San Francisco, CA San Antonio, TX Green Bay, WI Schaumburg, IL We st Valley City, UT & more. What Employees Say Awesome coworkers and management. Great benefits package, good insurance options. - Former EmployeeCox Communication Open Roles Finance Manager, Director of Marketing Innovation, Fiber Technician, Manager of Building Access, Facilities Manager, Outside Retention Representative, Senior Account Executive, Manager of sale Engineering, Retail Sales Associate, Sales Engineer II, Data Engineer, Channel Sales Manager & more. Where Hiring Atlanta, GA Phoenix, AZ Oklahoma City, OK Gainesville, FL San Diego, CA Las Vegas, NV & more. What Employees Say Collaborative environment with opportunities for advancement. Great support for employees. - Former DirectorJUUL Labs Open Roles Senior Lab and Test Technician, Clinical Trial Associate, Senior Microfluidics Engineer, Director of Project Management sekretariat, Behavioral Science Research Associate, Haptics Engineer, NPI Program Manager, Senior Supplier Quality Engineer, Financial Analyst, Senior UX Researcher, Supply Chain Program Manager & more. Where Hiring San Francisco, CA What Employees Say Growth prospects are incredible. Ive been here a few months and have had the opportunity to build a team and function from the ground up. With the pace at which we are moving, scope will only increase. - Current DirectorPagerDuty Open Roles Enterprise Account Manager, Business Development Representative, Director of Sales Enablement, Senior Software Engineer, Sr. Solutions Consultant, Manager of Strategy and Business Operations, Tax Manager, Technical Support Specialist, Director of Engineering & more. Where Hiring Atlanta, GA San Francisco, CA Milwaukee, MN & more. What Employees Say High performing culture but very open, inclusive, and diverse. - Current Sales RepresentativeCitadel Open Roles Global Equities Trader, Command Center Intern, Credit Analyst, Data Engineer, Quant Developer, Software Engineer, Global Equities Investment Analyst, Recruiting Coordinator , Trader, Credit Portfolio Manager & more. Where Hiring Chicago, IL New York, NY San Francisco, CA Greenwich, CT Dallas, TX Austin, TX & more. What Employees Say Citadel is a place that constantly changes, as a consequence, it gives you plenty of opportunities for growth. Raise your hand, if you are ready to take charge of your career. You will be rewarded with opportunities that are pushing limits of what it means to innovate. To succeed you need to combine a deep understanding of financial markets, advance technology and focus on delivery. - Current Senior Software EngineerNordstrom Open Roles Senior Security System Analyst, Fraud Specialist, Retail Sales, Beauty Counter Manager, Sous Chef, Line/Prep Coo, Visual Merchandiser, Stock Team, Tech Program Manager, Business Analyst, Program Manager of Strategic Growth, Corporate Strategy Associate, Associate Designer of Marketing Creative Programs & more. Where Hiring Seattle, WA Tampa, FL New York, NY Gilbert, AZ Salt Lake City , UT und dann gib ihm Angeles, CA & more. What Employees Say Great community, creative work environment, innovative company. - Former Interior Design ConsultantBank of the West Open Roles Senior Relationship Banker, Business Intelligence Analyst, Cybersecurity Engineer II, Principal Enterprise Architect, tafelgeschirr Banker, Online and Mobile Lead Engineer, Sr. Lead Advertising Partner, Sales Coordinator, Senior Product Designer, Credit Products Associate & more. Where Hiring Napa, CA San Francisco, CA Denver, CO Tempe AZ Fargo, ND Omaha, NE & more. What Employees Say Learned a ton and really introduced me to a corporate environment that was laid back and easy to navigate. Learned testing skills and concepts in classroom-based setting and application. - Current Software Engineer AssociateHere Technologies Open Roles Strategic Partner Manager, Lead Agile Coach, Sales Solutions Architect, Sr. Engineering Manager, Intern of Connected Vehicle Service Group, Test Driver, Sr. Account Executive Sr. Risk Analyst, Director of Engineering & more. Where Hiring Berkeley, CA Chicago, IL Lyndhurst, NJ Seattle, WA & more. What Employees Say Ive really come to appreciate how flexible our company is in terms of working hours, work from home, time off (we just switched to a new unlimited time off policy which has been great). In speaking with other friends they are quite blown away by the work/life balance that HERE provides. - Current EmployeeGeneral Motors Open Roles Infotainment Software Product Owner, Engineer, Connectivity Developer, Product & Communications Manager, Manufacturing Account Controller, Data Analyst, Senior Software Engineer, Cost Engineer, Design Assistant Program Manager, Android Developer, On-Campus Entry-Level Information Technology, Mainframe Developer, Autonomous Diagnostics Engineer, C++ Developer, Embedded Software Engineer & more. Where Hiring Markham, Canada Warren, MI & more. What Employees Say GM is an excellent company to wo rk from. The benefits are great and leadership is transparent and honest. - Current EmployeeSovos Compliance Open Roles Cloud Operations Engineer, Senior Marketing Manager, Bilingual Business Development Representative, Entry Level Staff Accountant, Inside Sales Executive, UX Designer, Front End Developer, Operations Analyst, Office Coordinator, Sales Director, Corporate Account Executive & more. Where Hiring Boston, MA Wilmington, MA Minnetonka Mills, MN Boulder, CO Atlanta, GA & more. What Employees Say The nicest thing about working at Sovos is the Culture, the chances to grow up and how good is to be here. And the same line of management is something valuable. - Current DevOps AnalystKnoll Open Roles Project Manager, Sales Representative Textiles, Logistics Coordinator, Director of Strategic Accounts, Director of Corporate Sustainability, Customer Data Analyst, Financial Reporting Manager, Production Supervisor, Tax Manager, Government Sales Representative & more. Where Hiring East Greenville, PA New York, NY San Francisco, CA & more. What Employees Say The people are wonderful to work with and there is a great company culture. Compensation is great and so are the benefits. The pros could go on forever, but I would say the greatest parte of working at Knoll was the commitment to quality. In their people and in their work. - Former Sales RepresentativeInRhythm Open Roles Mobile iOS Engineer, Java Cloud Engineer, javascript Engineer, Senior UX/UI Designer, Senior DevOps Engineer, Senior SDET, Director of Engineering, Full-Stack Engineer & more. Where Hiring New York, NY Saint Louis, MO & more. What Employees Say InRhythm is a great place to work. Really motivated and driven people. We are working on some difficult projects with huge clients and this is the first firm where I look forward to going into work every morning. They look after you, nurture you, great culture of learning and development. - Current EmployeeKleinfelder Open Roles S taff Engineers, Geologists, Civil Engineers, Resident Engineers, Environmental Scientists, Environmental Engineers & more. Where Hiring San Diego, CA Rocky Hill, CT Houston, TX Boston, MA Salt Lake City, UT & more. What Employees Say My supervisor is great. She is approachable, she really relates to me and listens. Our group manager is a great leader. He is also approachable and available. He likes hearing our ideas, he creates a positive team environment. I enjoy other team members, we really get along well and like working together. - Current EmployeeCarbon Black Open Roles Regional Sales Manager, Senior Software Engineer, Threat Data Engineer, Software Engineering Manager, Linux Software Engineer, Principal Site Reliability Engineer, Sales Development Representative, Inside Sales Senior Director, Senior Sales Analytics Manager, UX Designer & more. Where Hiring Waltham, MA Boulder, CO Hillsboro, OR Chicago, IL & more. What Employees Say Cb is an excellent company with ve ry smart, hard-working people. The products are something I am very proud to stand behind and our customers are second to none. Ive watched this company grow from Bit9 to Bit9+Cb and now Cb, from under 200 to over 1200 employees in just a few years. That is a big deal, and though it hasnt been 100% smooth, nothing worth doing or fully standing behind will be perfect all the time. This is a company that wants to help others and succeed at the same time and we are successfully doing both and learning/adapting along the way. Also, the benefits are very good which is important. - Current Customer Success ManagerCellular Sales Open Roles Bilingual Verizon Sales Consultant, Phone Repair Technician, Inventory Specialist, B2B Verizon Sales Consultant, IT Support Field Technician, Social Media Specialist, Salesforce Software Engineer, Merchandising and Facilities Coordinator, Creative Manager, National Recruiting Coordinator & more. Where Hiring Knoxville, TN Dallas, TX Des Plains, IL Po rtsmouth, NH Huntley, IL Indianapolis, IN Kennewick, WA & more. What Employees Say Flexible Schedule. Very generous commission structure. Plenty of opportunities for earned bonus money. - Current Sales Team LeaderMentor Graphics Open Roles Applications Engineer, Senior Cloud Architect, Sales Financial Analyst, Applications Engineering Consultant, Sr. Cloud Product manager, Preschool Teacher, Technical Marketing Engineer, Toddler Teacher, FPGA Hardware Engineer, Preschool Teacher, Senior Soft3ware Development Engineer, Front-End Designer, Commodity Manager, Simulation Senior Software Engineer & more. Where Hiring Wilsonville, OR Fremont, CA America, AL & more. What Employees Say Mentor Graphics had one of the greatest workplace cultures I have ever experienced. We all worked very hard, but we also had a ton of fun. Amazing benefits, great people, real work/life balance. I simply cannot say enough great things about Mentor. - Former Sales CoordinatorIncentive Technology Group (ITG) Open Roles Scrum master, Help Desk Team Lead, Senior Salesforce Developer, Lead Performance Test Engineer, Appian Developer, Multifunctional Sr. Proposal Manager, ServiceNow Architect, Business Architect, Senior Business Analyst & more. Where Hiring Arlington, VA Washington, DC Suitland, MD Flint, MD & more. What Employees Say DC is full of many kinds of companies. From large companies that give you a recognizable brand and fancy title but not much else to staff aug companies that simply treat you poorly. Its hard to find companies that are in between and even harder to find one that is growing. ITG is a small company and over the last couple years, Ive watched the owners take 1 step at a time to strategically grow it. Ive been able to grow my technical abilities, my consulting skills, and even my professional network. Ive been given opportunities and been challenged to deliver on high profile projects that a larger company would certainly give to someone with more years of experience. No company is perfect, but ITG is a great place to grow. - Current Senior ConsultantAppDynamics Open Roles Director of Inside Sales, Sales Engineer Intern, Enterprise Sales Representative, Regional CTO, Integration Engineer, Business Development, Integration Engineer, Education Program Manager, Senior Designer, Commercial Sales Engineer, Regional Director, Sr. IT Operations Analyst, Technical Evangelist & more. Where Hiring San Francisco, CA Dallas, TX New York, NY Washington, DC Raleigh, NC & more. What Employees Say Professional development opportunities are endless. There are a lot of team and office outings that encourage everyone to connect outside of the general team they work with. The office space is new in Richardson and everyone has a standing desk. Weve recently implemented a WFH policy that allows everyone to WFH one day a week. - Current Renewals Account ManagerMeritage Homes Open Roles Land Acquisition Director, New Homes Sales Counselors, Area Sales Manager, Assistant Construction Manager, Land Development Coordinator, Administrative Services Manager Houston, TX, New Home Sales Counselors, Construction Manager, IT Help Desk Engineer & more. Where Hiring Tampa, FL Scottsdale, AZ Denver, CO Raleigh, NC Atlanta, GA Houston, TX & more. What Employees Say Literally today I heard how important and vital I am to the day, what a great feeling My co-workers are all a part of my work family. Im a part of the employee engagement team to keep Nashville engaged in our community. We eat, work, volunteer and even compete together. I still enjoy the job I do and have every intention of continuing my days with Meritage Homes. - Current Escrow CoordinatorIntuit Open Roles Senior Software Engineer, Group Development Manager, Solutions Architect, Staff Big Data/Database Engineer, Director of Development, Associate Marketing Manager, Principal Software Engineer, Sr. DevOps Engineer- Data Infrastructure, Senior Communication Services En gineer, Senior Development Manager-TurboTax, Mobile Software Engineer, Return to Work Program Software Engineer, Staff Software Engineer & more. Where Hiring Mountain View, CA San Diego, CA Plano, TX San Diego, CA Eagle, ID & more. What Employees Say Incredible company that has market dominance, yet also has so much room to grow. Management constantly preaches disruption, and its reflected in our priorities and work. - Current Senior Data ScientistBAE Systems USA Open Roles Paint Manufacturing Engineer, Maintenance Person, Industrial Maintenance Technician, Electrical Floor Support Engineer, Master NDT Inspector, Electronic Technician II, Senior Security Systems Administrator, Senior Manager of Procurement Support, Test Analyst, Senior Financial Analyst, New Business Engineering Manager, Quality Engineer II, Forensic Analyst & more. Where Hiring Arlington, VA York, PA Kingsport, TN Louisville, KY San Diego, CA & more. What Employees Say Great company. Glad to be a part of such a company that makes such a difference in the world. - Current EmployeeService King Collision Repair Centers Open Roles Service Advisor, Service Advisor Associate, Collision Estimator, Parts Manager, General Manager, Equipment Manager, National Refinish Manager, Assistant General Manager, National Accounts Manager & more. Where Hiring Pittsburgh, PA Houston, TX Scottsdale, AZ Yorkville, IL Oakland, CA Richardson, TX Nashville, TN Auburn, WA Jackson, MS & more. What Employees Say Honest, Fair and Great benefits - Current General ManagerInsulet Corporation Open Roles Sr. Software QA Engineer, Design Assurance Engineer, Intake Associate, Clinical Services Manager, Android/JavaSoftware Product Manager, Inside Sales Lead Generation Specialist, Territory Manager, Director of Business Development & Licensing, Sr. Android Developers, QC Inspector, Manufacturing Quality Technician & more. Where Hiring Acton, MA Bedford, MA Chicago, IL San Diego, CA Salt Lake City, UT & more. What Employees Say Insulet is a fast-paced and growing company with products that really save lives for both Type 1 and 2 Diabetics and cancer patients as well. The senior management team genuinely care about patients and employees. Employees at all levels of the company are motivated to do their best for the products and the patients we serve. I truly think its a great place and a wonderful opportunity for anyone wanting to join a company that will honestly have a positive impact on children, families, and seniors. - Current QA ManagerSplunk Open Roles Sales Engineer, Customer Success Manager, Sr. Manager of Renewals Strategy and Operations, Regional Sales Manager, Global Nonprofit Success Manager Splunk for Good, Area Vice President of New Logo Acquisition Sales, Senior Director of Product Marketing, Partner Sales Engineer, Senior Staff Technical Writer, Finance Manager, Senior Business Analyst, VP of Global Sales Engineering & more. Where Hiring San Francisco, CA Seattle, WA Denver, CO McLean, VA Austin, TX Portland, OR & more. What Employees Say Energetic and collaborative people. A lot of opportunities to grow and learn. - Current ManagerThe MIL Corporation Open Roles Program Business Analyst, Sr. Cyber Security Engineer/Red Team Mid Level Software Developer/Programmer, Systems Analyst for Software Development, Senior Cyber Security Engineer, Sr. Data Warehouse Tester, Senior Momentum Tester, Project Management Analyst Marketing Intern, Security Analyst II JMETC System Administrator & more. Where Hiring Bowie, MD Arlington, VA Charleston, SC Lexington Park, MD & more. What Employees Say Capital One Arena tickets to events and shows, excellent corporate events, room for growth, great work-life balance, and flexible - Current EmployeePlaid Technologies, Inc Open Roles Business Operations, Growth-NYC, Product Manager, Technical Support Engineer, Software Engineer, Growth-Enterprise, Marketing-Growth Marketing, Business Development Associate, Recruiter, New Business Associate, Associate Software Engineer, Global Events Lead, Data Scientist & more. Where Hiring San Francisco, CA New York, NY Salt Lake City, UT & more. What Employees Say High transparency, high autonomy, open and relaxed work culture, great business model. - Former Engineering ManagerLutheran SeniorLife Open Roles CNA Home Care, Food Service Assistant, Environmental Services Housekeeping, Resident Assistant, Resident Coordinator, Clinical Coordinator RN, Nurse Aide Trainee, Registered Nurse, LPN Adult Day Program Manager, Physical Therapy Assistant, Permanency Caseworker, Regional Clinical Director & more. Where Hiring Mars, PA Butler, PA Zelienople, PA Pittsburgh, PA & more. What Employees Say I was PRN and loved getting to know and working with the elder population So sweet and so rewarding.- Former EmployeePetVet Care Centers Open Roles Internal Medicine Specialist, Regional Manager-Midwest, Veterinary Hospital Manager, Professional Recrui ter, Veterinary Technician, Relief Emergency Veterinarian, Ophthalmologist, Where Hiring Westport, CT Apple Valley, CA Dunnellon, FL Orange, CA Westport, CT Little Rock, AR Lexington-Fayette, KY Greensboro, NC & more. What Employees Say Being a long-time employee, I immediately got 4 weeks of PTO which was nearly double what I had before, and CE PTO outside of that. Health insurance ( a little pricey, but better than nothing). 401k (the match isnt great but heck, it is SOMETHING). Our regional manager has been nothing but helpful and responsive (thank you Emily). - Current EmployeeAAA Carolinas Open Roles General Manager, Automotive Technician, Car Care Store Manager in Training, Travel Sales Branch Manager, Travel Sales Agent, Roadside Technician, General Service Technician, Insurance Customer Service and Sales Representative & more. Where Hiring Charlotte, NC Summerville, SC Raleigh, NC & more. What Employees Say 1. The Brand- AAA is known for serving people. We provide Peace of Mind. Its wonderful to be connected to a company that cares. 2. Culture- AAA creates and cultivates a culture of serving. Its the essence and DNA of the organization. We exist to help people. 3. People- Kindred spirits who share one common goal To serve and assist. - Current Corporate TrainerEncore Rehabilitation Services Open Roles Occupational Therapist Full Time, Physical Therapist Part Time, Speech Language Pathologist, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant Per Diem, Respiratory Therapist Part Time, Therapy Program Manager, Clinical Specialist, Sr. Accountant Full Time, Schoo Psychologist & more. Where Hiring Farmington Hills, MI Cincinnati, OH Louisville, KY New Hope, MN Scotch Plains, NJ & more. What Employees Say Professional team and good values. - Current Physical TherapistMilwaukee Tool Open Roles Team Lead, Data Engineer/Developer, Front End Innovation, Marketing Data Analyst, Materials Engineer, Design Researcher, Senior Electrical Engineer, Quality T echnician, Staff Industrial Designer, Test Engineer, Supervisor, Process Engineering Manager & more. Where Hiring Brookfield, WI Olive Branch, MS Jackson, MS & more. What Employees Say Culture is outstanding. Employees are happy, and the work is rewarding. Fast paced product development is the name of the game. - Current Project LeaderTelecom Brokerage TBI Open Roles Channel Manager of Strategic Accounts, Project Coordinator, Digital Marketing Campaign Coordinator, Inside Sales Account Manager & more. Where Hiring Chicago, IL What Employees Say I love being part of a company that keeps growing and promoting people. In my 15 years in the workforce, I have never been at an established company that still has consistent growth year over year, and opportunities for people to work their way up. I also really like that despite all of the benefits the company offers, they continue to find new programs to offer to their employees to keep things new and up to date with current trend s. - Current EmployeeThe Forum Group Open Roles Product manager, Sharepoint Architect, Slate Business Analyst, SAP Operations Support, Audit Senior, Senior Internal Auditor, Senior Infrastructure Engineer, C++ Developer, Benefits Coordinator, Bookkeeper/Account Manager, Contract Recruiter, Tax Seniors, Pricing Analyst, Quality Control Manager & more. Where Hiring New York, NY What Employees Say Working at The Forum Group helped me a lot to advance myself as they are much focused on their employees career growth and always encourage them to learn and grow. Good management and very supportive team members. - Current Office AdministratorHealth Career Associates Open Roles Occupational Therapist, Registered Nurse, RN Manager Critical Care, Chiropractor, Medical Technologist, Physician, Nurse Director, Dentist, RN ICU Manager & more. Where Hiring Charleston, SC Atlanta, GA Cleveland, TN Bloomington, IL Cedar Rapids, IA San Jose, CA & more.Kent Legal Open Roles Legal Assistant Floater, Personal Injury Legal Assistant, Procurement Legal Assistant, Litigation Law Clerk, IP Litigation Legal Assistant, Corporate Legal /Executive Assistant, Estates Legal Assistant, Financial Service Legal Assistant & more. Where Hiring Toronto, ON (Canada) What Employees Say I learned a great deal during my years at Kent Legal I would venture to say that among placement agencies, Kent Legal would have the strongest, most entrenched relationships with Canadas top law firms and corporate legal departments, and this would be not only because they have a long history of success, but also because they value relationships at every level. - Former EmployeeSchnitzer Steel Open Roles Management Trainee, Accounts Receivable Specialist, Vehicle Purchasing Agent, Loader Operator, Fixed Shear Operator, Production Supervisor, Sales Lead, Health & Safety Director, Store manager, Metals Inspector, moribund Operations Manager & more. Where Hiring Portland, OR Everett, MA Atlanta, GA B irmingham, AL Virginia Beach, VA Sparks, NV San Jose, CA & more. What Employees Say Great benefits and pay for area. Interesting work and investment compared to industry peers. - Former Employee

Friday, December 6, 2019

What You Should Do to Find Out About Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume Before Youre Left Behind

What You Should Do to Find Out About Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume Before Youre Left Behind Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume for Dummies Furthermore, you can learn more on the subject of education careers on Monster. To be a teacher, you will require the ideal mix of experience, knowledge, and education. There are a number of approaches to get the education required to become an RN. Most teachers should list all their certifications, or any time they anticipate receiving them. Finest teacher interview suggestions to help you make the correct impression in your job interview. Take a look at the advantages and disadvantages below to help you decide whether a career as an elementary species teacher is the best choice for you. When the interview is completed, you might be given an opportunity to throw your own questions. Occasionally it is not possible to meet up with the teacher but always do so if youve got the chance. The very best thing for someone ho ping to earn money from the profession is to join with different schools. On the flip side, it will also be rather valuable for the aspiring candidates also. Being a real substitute means you have to continue all duties of the teacher if at all possible. Hunting for a new job can be stressful, but using a great resume, you can secure the gymnastics instructor job that youve been wanting. Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume - Overview Substitute teaching is just one of the most troublesome work in education. A Teacher Assistant must be committed to the learning approach. Salaries for art teachers are determined by the area in the place where they teach and their degree of expertise. They will have a difficult time carrying out their responsibilities without the help of a Teacher Assistant. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume Substitute teaching may also provide a steady supply of income whilst trying to find a complete time job. Long term substitutes might even be qualified for health benefits throughout the district. Certified substitute teachers have lots of job avenues open to them in a variety of characteristics of the school atmosphere. What to Expect From Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume? Teacher assistants work closely to help with all sorts of student learners. Teachers also play a major part in the classroom regarding the learning environment by supporting either a beneficial or negative setting. They are ultimately responsible for the social behavior within their classrooms. The Nursery Preschool Teacher needs to get excellent interpersonal abilities and have to comprehend the childrens emotional requirements and be in a lokalitt to come up with a fantastic relationship with the students parents. In the majority of instances, your job as an early childhood teacher will be quite like that of a guide. Responsibility In a classroom with the widest selection of l earning styles, it is critical that the teacher is equipped to offer a variety of means to clarify a specific notion or answer a question. A teacher has to be in a position to explain complex topics in an easy to comprehend manner. Great teachers are famous for their vivacity and sunny disposition. A substitute teacher could be called in for any teaching position in a school. She is expected to take on the responsibilities of a regular teacher on the laters absence. In cases of unforeseen or extended absences, she may need to create lesson plans that meet the learning objectives of the class for which he or she is substituting. A long-term substitute teacher ought to be able to create a fast communication with students and be in a position to guide them towards the classroom targets. Providing one-on-one assistance from the assistant might be asked to enable a learner to turn into successful in classroom tasks. Distributing worksheets and books are different ways the assista nt assists the teacher. Top Choices of Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume There are many things a substitute must do to make koranvers they have an amazing day before school begins. After checking in, a substitute should devote the rest of their time looking through the daily schedule and the lesson plans, making sure they have a very clear comprehension of the material theyll be asked to teach that day. The great thing of being a true substitute teacher is that will secure the chance to positively influence your students lives while obtaining a feel for what life as a full-time classroom teacher is like. Substitute teachers are employed in virtually every school throughout the country daily. Lies Youve Been Told About Substitute Teacher Job Description Resume Its highly recommended to go through job descriptions linked to the position before trying to craft a resume or cover letter for the exact same. Be sure to place your contact info first, with your name being th e biggest item on the full document. So long as you include all the appropriate info, sometimes a different look can be what makes you stick out from the remainder of the applicants. When writing a resume, it helps to review resume examples that are linked to your occupation.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

What Is So Fascinating About Writing a Resume for Internship Example?

What Is So Fascinating About Writing a Resume for Internship Example? What the In-Crowd Wont Tell You About Writing a Resume for Internship Example Job searching can be rather tough and continue producing is among the tasks that require to get achieved when hunting for employment. Website will be mindful of the points which are incredibly important to wind up being filled in the work application to acquire a special type of job. Resumes are indispensable to folks who would like to construct their careers. The content of your internship email will be dependent on your objective. An email is a type of letter, so it has to contain the fundamental sections of the letter. Provided that you are aware of how to compose an expert email, then youre guaranteed to acquire a positive reaction. An official email gives you a superior image. All About Writing a Resume for Internship Example Most employers arent expecting you to get extensive experience because an internship is generally the very first experience students have in their area. Therefore, if youre asking for a Head Nurse profile and right now youre at Supervisor-Nurse level. Some folks get so involved in the facts of their CV they dont make it rather apparent they want the internship. Landing a large internship for a college student is an excellent means to get ready for the challenges of life after the university. The One Thing to Do for Writing a Resume for Internship Example Heres my resume, please tell me in case you have any jobs I might fill isnt a cover letter and doesnt encourage anyone to take a look at your resume. Tons of folks would like to get a better work. Rather than submitting a half-empty slice of paper as a resume, there are things that you are able to do. On the flip side, if youre writing an advertising internship resume, then youre probably writing to an exact ruthless person whos very good with people in any kind of situation. Getting the Best Writing a Resume for Int ernship Example Since you will probably have little if any expert experience, dont hesitate to fill your education section with a plethora of information. An internship is normally the very first thing an individual takes in order to come up with a stable career in animal science field. Check to make certain youre providing all of the info required and clearly define your skill sets when it comes to application requirements. You have to offer relevant, concise details. For example, you need to submit an application for an internship slot in a specific business. Furthermore, its possible for you to learn about media careers and hunt for internships on Monster. You would like a good internship resume you can adapt and update for future opportunities.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

What to Do When You Dont Get a Job Offer

What to Do When You Dont Get a Job OfferWhat to Do When You Dont Get a Job OfferIt doesnt matter how many times you experience this type of rejection- and lets face it, if youre actively applying for jobs, rejection is nearly inevitable- the sting never fades. Even if you dont get a job offer, negative emotions dont have to be the last stop of your application process. Heres some tried-and-true advice on how to respond, and bounce back, when youre rejected from a job that you really wanted. Accept Your Emotions Give yourself time to identify your feelings, whatever they may be. You may want to call a friend to vent, go for an intense workout, or write a frustrated journal entry. Choose the coping method of your choice, but after some time spent processing your emotions, do your best to move on. While this may feel like a personal decision, its not hiring decisions are based on a mix of factors, from candidates salary needs to experience levels. Personality may play a role in the mix, but its likely not the most important factor. If youve ever been on the other side of the vorstellungsgesprch, chatting with candidates, you know decisions are often made based on gut feelings, or a single important bullet point on a candidates resume. Be Gracious and Stay Connected Send a polite thank-you notenzeichen to your interviewer and any major contacts youve made at the company, thanking them for their time and wishing them good luck. You can also use this space to request that the company keep you in mind for other opportunities that come up. This is also a good moment to connect on LinkedIn, which will help to extend your relationship. Ask for Feedback One of the worst parts about not getting a job can be wonderingwhyyou didnt get it. Was it a silly joke you made? A poor answer to a question? A typo in yourthank-you note? While legal concerns may restrict a companys response, try asking for feedback on their decision-making process. Frame your inquiry as a po sitive (what can I improve?) rather than a negative (why didnt you hire me?). If a recruiter was involved in your application, youre in luck these matchmakers tend to get lots of actionable information from both applicants and employers. Since they dont face the same legal pressures as companies that are hiring, recruiters can be a good source of feedback about your performance during an interview. If you are fortunate enough to receive feedback, avoid being defensive and use it constructively. It can be frustrating to hear that a company rejected you because you didnt have leadership qualities, when in fact you were a leader in several prior jobs. Take that as a signal that you need to think about ways to emphasize your leadership while answering questions, and potentially rephrase parts of your resume. Use any feedback you receive as a way to improve for next time. Review Your Application Process, from Start to Finish Think about the entire process of your application, from wh en you first applied to the job through to your correspondence and interviews. Is there anything you would change? Theres nothing helpful about obsessing over why it didnt work out- instead, focus on solutions for moments that did not go as desired. Frustrated that you misspelled a name in your thank-you note? Plan to have a friend proofread your email next time. Did you flub an answer? Practice how youd respond next time. Work on Your Interview Skills Even if you were not able to solicit information from an employer as to why they didnt hire you, keep your eye on the prize and continue to practice your interview skills so that youll feel positive and confident when the next opportunity arises. Take the time to prepare for the next job interview by reviewing and answering both job-specific interview questions and behavioral interview questions. Then, once youve been offered an interview by an employer, carefully research the company and write down talking points based upon what youve learned about their company culture, mission, and needs. With the help of a friend or two, role-play the interview before you go in so that youll be well-versed in answering some of the most common interview questions posed by hiring committees. By focusing on your next step rather than brooding about why you werent chosen for a particular job, youll be well-prepared to land the right job when it comes along. The universe works in strange ways dont be surprised if it turns out being a better fit for you than the one you originally thought you wanted

Friday, November 22, 2019

5 things that you will never see positive people do

5 things that you will never see positive people do5 things that you will never see positive people doI make an effort to surround myself with positive people. Positive thinking is a cornerstone of mental toughness because positivity creates a mindset that can adapt to obstacles and roadblocks that show up in both business and life.Unfortunately, positive thinking has become ensconced in a culture of woolly and fluffy assumptions that imply all we need to do is visualize what success looks like - and it will happen It has been reduced to weak platitudes and shallow quotes meant to inspire us to soar to greater heights.Gag.If that wasnt bad enough, positive people are also confused with optimists. Let me clarify for you positive people believe they will prevail in their circumstances rather than believe their circumstances will change. Optimists, however, believe that things will change, and for the better. Positive people rely on their grit and determination to make the most of a ba d situation because sometimes, shit happens. Theyre stuck in an undesirable situation and no amount of hope will change it.An optimist can never relax they cant afford to let sadness creep in. They can try to follow the famous self-help advice and eliminate the word failure from their vocabulary but then how will they explain failure when it strikes? And it will. Positive people are bedrngnislagelage afraid of failure because their minds can adapt to their new circumstances and plan for a better iteration next time.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moraWhen times get tough, here are 5 things positive people never do1. Fall for sappy slogansIve read so many articles on how to fill my life with happiness that Im ready to puke. Happiness is the by-product of vacuous and superficial sappy slogans that prey on our emotions. You want real happiness? Grab hold of something with more substan ce, like joy and contentment.Positive people avoid cheery, sappy slogans that are intended to lift the users mood when they repeat them. Post-it notes litter mirrors and computers across the country and while they boost our mood for a while, the results are temporary.Researchers have discovered that there is a distinct difference between happiness and meaning. When we achieve our goal, we experience happiness for a short period of time. When we achieve a goal freighted with value, we experience joy and contentment that provides meaning for our life.How To Make It Work For You When you try too hard to convince yourself, and others, that youre happy and lovable, all youve done is remind yourself, and others, of what you dont have Instead, focus on goals that are meaningful to you. Happiness is the by-product.2. Forget to plan for the worst case scenarioWhen you remind yourself of what could go wrong, youre not being a pessimist. Youre being smart. You will encounter rude bosses, conni ving colleagues, and pain-in-the-ass customers. Why not prepare for them?There is a place for those who plan for the worst-case scenario so they can plan on how to turn the situation around and make it successful. They imagine every conceivable setback and obstacle and find ways to cope and overcome the adversity before it becomes a reality. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy suggests spending time thinking about the potential downside of a conversation or event in advance can help you avoid an oh shit moment.How To Make It Work For You Imagine how you would handle a bad situation. Assume for a moment that a rival buys your company. Jot down a few ways you might come out on top if it happens. For example, arrange to meet key executives of the rival company so they know youll handle the situation in a professional and respectful manner.3. Set unrealistic goalsPositive people are always realistic about their goals. Gabriele Oettingen, professor of psychology at New York University and the a uthor of Rethinking Positive Thinking believes that part of the problem is that people tend to visualize their goals as already accomplished without thinking about the obstacles that stand in the way.If a rolle is optimistic about the future, theyll enjoy it in the moment but they wont get the energy and motivation they need to attain the goal. Oettingen touches upon the need to differentiate fantasy from visualization. Visualization is a science-based way for people to achieve their goals. The problem happens when fantasy raises its ugly head. The brain is smart and it can tell the difference between a desire to stretch our performance to meet a goal and our fantasy about it.A goal might be to play the guitar. Your fantasy might be for you to perform in a sold-out rock concert. When we daydream about the future, we convince ourselves were already there and are less inclined to put in the effort required to reach our goals.Oettingen feels that a bit of negativity can help us determi ne whether or not its worth it to pursue our goals. Positive people are not afraid to look at the negative side of an equation. They know it might have something important to tell us. When they contrast the future with the current reality, and assess the obstacles, they might let go of the dream and focus on more realistic goals.How To Make It Work For You We need to be on the lookout for what might go wrong without allowing negativity to overwhelm us. Positive people can hold the tension of a pessimistic evaluation alongside a positive one.4. Let anxiety take overIn her book, The Positive Power of Negative Thinking, Julie Norem wrote At first, I asked how these people were able to do so well despite their pessimism. Before long, I began to realize that they were doing so well because of their pessimism.Norem found that pessimists turned their anxieties into action. Because they expected the worst, they were prepared for it and put more effort into finding a solution.Oliver Burkeman makes an interesting observation in his book, The Antidote Happiness For People Who Cant Stand Positive Thinking. He argues that because people are led to believe they should always feel happy and motivated, they often put off tasks that dont make them happy. If life were perfect and there were no such things as unpleasant tasks, that mindset might lead to success. But, in the real world, this mindset leads into a downward spiral of unaddressed tasks and actions.How To Make It Work For You Learn to live with the unpleasant tasks and get on with the job at hand. Co-exist with what isnt perfect and do something anyway.5. Ignore the sweet spotPessimists help us anticipate the worst and prepare for it. People who never worry have lower job performance than those who worry about it on a regular basis. Studies have shown that when CEOs are optimistic, they take on more risky projects and often put their companies in jeopardy.Positive people know how to weigh the wisdom of both pessimists and optimists. Pessimists are catastrophes waiting to happen while optimists are impractical. Positive people look for the sweet spot that combines the benefits of both approaches.How To Make It Work For You Your success is not determined on whether you are an optimist or pessimist, but rather how you choose your strategies to process information from both sides.Thisarticlefirst appeared

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The average American works more hours than a medieval peasant

The average American works mora hours than a medieval peasantThe average American works more hours than a medieval peasantThink youre working less thanpeasants did way back in the medieval ages?Although jobs have changed significantly since then, chances are, youre probably wrong.Research fromJuliet Schor, currently a Professor of Sociology at Boston College, from her textThe Overworked American The Unexpected Decline of Leisure, shows this isnt the case. The average American worker in 1987 was working about 1,949 hours annually, while an adult male peasant in 13th-century U.K. racked up approximately 1620 yearly. Schor provides details in the text about how working hours have changed over centuries, and why.You might be thinking, thats nice and all, but it isnt the 80s anymore - how are we doing in the 21st century?Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreWell, the average American emp loyee nowreportedly works slightly less at 1,811 hours annually, based on information from a Pew analysis of 2015 Labor Department data - the most recent data available.How workers hours stand up against the pastSo, how do thehours stack up across various generations and time periods in history - both in the U.S. and the U.K.? While each group had its own estimated methodology, heresthe amount of working hours various groups listed in the research had, from least to mostCasual laborer, U.K. (14th century) 1,440 hoursAdult male peasant, U.K. (13th century) 1,620 hoursAverage worker, U.S. (2015)1,811 hoursManufacturing workers, U.K. (1988) 1856 hoursAverage worker, U.S. (1987) 1,949 hoursFarmer-miner, adult male, U.K. (1400-1600) 1,980 hoursEnglish worker (Middle Ages) 2,309 hoursThis article was first published on May 7, 2018.